Barack Obama
after waiting a long time who will replace the United States president George W. Bush, Barack Obama or John M'cain. In fact, now have missed people who deserve to become leaders of the state superior power, he is a person who had the small country we live in Indonesia . And he was also the first black person with a successful He became president of the United States is Barack Obama. Now the responsibility and a very large has been in his shoulder, he must overcome the problems of the global economy. Is he able to see it later?
Label: american news
8 Komentar:
Artikel di blog ini sangat bagus dan berguna bagi para pembaca. Agar lebih populer, Anda bisa posting berita Anda di dan memasang WIDGET Lintas Berita di website Anda yang akan berguna bagi semua pembaca di seluruh Indonesia dan menambah incoming traffic di website Anda.
7 November 2008 pukul 22.45
blog yg cukup lengkap..
kunjungan balik niihh...serign2 mampir ke blog aku yaa..
linknya sdh aku save.
9 November 2008 pukul 19.22
mau kenalan.
ni syp yah?
10 November 2008 pukul 23.04
yup thnx dah mampir di blogku..
udahn keren blognya..
tapi kok pake bhs inggris semua yak..hehehehe
11 November 2008 pukul 18.40
asyik juga desain blognya....!!!
13 November 2008 pukul 02.25
lumayan rek pujian2ne..
13 November 2008 pukul 16.10
halo noz
15 November 2008 pukul 05.27
terimah kasih telah berkomentar.......
15 November 2008 pukul 20.46
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