Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Multivitamins and Breast Cancer

Often the body does not get all the essential nutrients from the food. It is possible that some vital nutrients gets missed out therefore to supplement this loss one may take a pill of multivitamin on daily basis. A single dose helps in maintaining the body in perfect condition. Women are more prone to deficiency of various essential nutrients after the menopause.

There are many women who take vitamin supplements on a routine basis. Though it helps in maintaining their health, there are few studies which say that an excess consumption of multivitamin might affect their breast tissues and promote the development of cancer. However, it is not common to get breast cancer due to multivitamin because there is no direct link of multivitamin and breast cancer.

The studies on various women aged between 45 and 85 years have revealed that chances of breast cancer were more in women who took doses of multivitamin on daily basis. It is believed that some ingredients in these multivitamin may cause cancer, but this theory is still not established. There are various other factors which are related to breast cancer, such as age, weight, family history of cancer and few addictions like alcohol or smoking. These factors together may result in breast cancer.

Although the studies could not establish any connection between multivitamins and cancer yet, they have suggested an insignificant option of getting cancer, if multivitamins are overused. Certain elements in these pills can activate the development of cancerous cells in the body. Sometimes, folic acid in a multivitamin may give rise to deposits in the bone tissues resulting in the growth of cancerous cells. Other vitamins such as B6, C and E do not cause any harm. Also, calcium present in many multivitamins is harmless.


The Federal Aviation Regulations

The Federal Aviation Regulations, or FARs, is part of the Code of Federal Regulations. The FARs details what can or can not be done in the skies of the United States. It applies to airline pilots, hot air ballooners, remote control aircraft hobbyist or rocket flyer.

FARs are in place to push for safety in the skies by providing regulations that protect the pilots, passenger and the public in general from possible dangers from flying crafts. The FARs have been expanded after the 9/11 attacks so it can provide more protection in terms of national security.

The FARs started out in 1926 with the passing of the Air Commerce Act of May 20. It placed the government in control of issuing and enforcing air traffic rules. It also gave the government power to grant pilot licenses and aircraft certificates.

The following decades after 1926 saw the growth of the aviation industry. The US Federal Government's role increased and new government bodies were established. The Civil Aeronautics Adminstration or CAA was established in 1940 as well as the Civil Aeronautics Board or CAB. The Federal Aviation Agency or the FAA was established in 1958 and later became the Federal Aviation Administration in 1966.

How The FARs Are Organized

The FARs, being just a part of the Code of Federal Regulations, still has hundreds of sections normally referred to as simply "parts". Eact part discusses a specific aviation or aviation-related activity. A big part of these parts are focused on flight school certification, pilot cetification and aircraft certification.

When you board a commercial airplane, you'll be subjected to a mandatory safety presentation. You'll need to know that the pilot in command of the aircraft has the final authority as granted by the FARs. The pilot exercises this authority during emergency situations when quick decisions are required to handle the situation.

Adrian Beltran is a health writer who wants to buy aircrafts for sale in the future. He's also very fond of RC helicopters for sale.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adrian_Beltran


Demat Trading in India

What is a Demat Account?
Demat or the dematerialised account is essential for Indian individuals to trade in listed stocks or debentures. According to the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) guidelines one is required to maintain a Demat account where shares and securities are held in electronic form. It is opened by the investor while registering with an investment broker (or sub broker). In short it is a simpler and hassle free way of trading online.

Advantages of Demat account

It is a safe and convenient way to hold securities. Not only does the account enable immediate transfer of securities one also does not need to pay any stamp duty on transfer. Since it holds securities online it also eliminates the risks associated with physical certificates such as bad delivery, fake securities, delays, thefts etc. Moreover it cuts down the paperwork involved in transfer of securities as well as brings down the transaction costs. Additionally, wile using the account one does not face the problem of odd lots as you can sell even a single share. The account also provides the facility of nomination.

A account holder has shares automatically credited to the account in the event of a bonus/ split/ consolidation/ merger etc. additionally, one can hold investments in equity and debt instruments in a single account.

Why I need a Demat Account
Nowadays, practically all trades have to be settled in dematerialised form. Although the market regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), has allowed trades of upto 500 shares to be settled in physical form, traders no longer wish to hold physical shares. Hence, a demat account is a must for trading and investing.


When The Thrill Is Gone - How Do You Know When to End a Mentoring-Coaching Relationship?

I over the last several weeks I have spent a lot of time teaching women to be diligent about developing their circle of influence. That they must create a wise counsel that will enhance their personal development. This circle will serve as both a support system and as a development mechanism for both their personal and professional lives.

But today I encountered a life changing circumstance. It's life changing because in my mind I had to shift my thinking as it relates to coaching and mentoring relationships. That there is a possibility that these relationships can end, they go wrong and for some can be a simple waste of time.

So how do you know when its time to move on from the relationship? Try this litmus test.

* When the person you are mentoring does not value your knowledge and expertise

When the person values scholastic knowledge over real world experience

When the person you are coaching is not forthcoming about areas they need to be developed and worked on

When the person decides what's true for the other person without any real factual knowledge

When they do not receive constructive criticism well

When they become offended by your response to behaviors that you see in them

When there is confusion about the expectations of the relationship

When they make assumptions about the relationship as opposed to communicating for clarity

When the assignment for the area of development has been dealt with and completed

When there is negative non verbal communication, example of this would not returning calls, not participating in the coaching sessions and or teaching opportunities etc.

When they do not act on your recommendations

When excuses take over the coaching session

This list is not all inclusive but it is a good place to start!


Why Do Some Children Struggle With Reading?

Learning to read is not a natural process like learning to speak. Human brains are hard-wired to speak however learning to read and write are acquired skills by a process that requires early systematic and direct instruction.

Three recent studies have pinpointed the reason why some children lag behind with reading. Up until a decade ago, it was widely believed that those children who lagged behind with reading were just what was termed 'late bloomers' and would eventually catch up when their brains matured. This was termed a 'developmental lag'. The more recent studies have found this to be incorrect and that these children lacked a crucial skill required when learning to read; Phoneme awareness. This has been termed a 'skill deficit'.

In the last few decades researches and educators alike have come to similar conclusions, which can be best summed up as follows;

1. Phonemic Awareness is the BEST predictor of reading success (Adams, 1991) and 2. Phonemic Awareness must be explicitly taught. (Brady, Fowler, Stone, & Winbury, 1994).

So what is phoneme awareness?

Firstly, it is important to know what a phoneme is. A phoneme is a basic unit of sound used to build a language. All spoken words are made up of one or more individual phonemes. For example the word DOG is made up of 3 phonemes D. O and G. Separating the word DOG into these three distinct phonemes, requires phonemic awareness. So basically phonetic awareness is the understanding that a word consists of a series of discrete sounds.

It is therefore crucial to help your children develop phenemic awareness if you want them to excel at reading. Here are some games and activities to help your children develop phonemic awareness;

1. Buy or make alphabet flash cards and pictures of objects that start with various sounds. If your child finds a picture of a cat say the word "cat" with her and then see if she can find the letter "c" to go with it.

2. Play rhyming Games. For example; Do these sound the same? (hand-band) or different (shoe-car)? What word doesn't belong? (bed, shed, flower, ted)

3. Talk about what sound their name starts with. For example "Your name starts with the letter E; E is for Ella!" Once she becomes familiar with her name start saying other people's names and talk about what sounds these names begin or end with.

4. Exaggerate the sounds of words by holding on to them, for example sssssnake. Or use repetitions such as t-t-t-toes.

And one last and most important thing - don't forget to make it Fun!
